Roast cherry tomatoes, burst cherry tomatoes, confit cherry tomatoes, WHATEVER. This is a guide to transform however many cherry tomatoes you have in which ever way you like.
I’m not exaggerating when I say I make a batch of these AT LEAST twice a month. I store them in an airtight container submerged in the olive oil that they cooked in (naturally preserving them and preventing spoilage) for weeks on end. They are the perfect accompaniment to anything from grilled or roasted meats, fish, eggs, pasta, rice, salads, you name it! I could start an entirely different website containing just recipes incorporating roasted cherry tomatoes.
Best part is, cherry tomatoes are “in season” all year round (IMO). Many commercially sold brands are grown in indoors, so they aren’t dependent on the elements to thrive. I also think they just taste the best the most consistently. Like do I love a peak season heirloom tomato? Yes. But tomatoes in general are extremely variable in terms of flavor and quality. Where as cherry tomatoes quite literally always have your back. JUSTICE FOR CHERRY TOMATOES.
Now you’ll notice in this recipe I give you a lot of options, but I would like for you to consider them more as inspiration. All you really need to make this is tomatoes, olive oil and salt. So if that’s all you have, fine by me. Don’t feel like you NEED to run to the store for fresh thyme by any means. Use what you have. Hell, I’ve thrown like 5 extra cherry tomatoes in the oven before just because they’re that much tastier after roasting.
I like roasting these in a baking dish rather than a sheet tray because I find that when all the tomatoes are cozied up next to each other, partially submerged in olive oil, all of the flavors of garlic and chili really infuse into the tomatoes. if that makes sense. It also lowers the risk of burning any garlic or spices because they’ll be protected by the oil.