Blue cheese dressing has been used and abused for far too long and I’m here to give it the respect it deserves. First order of business is investing in a great hunk of blue cheese. Please, do us all a favor and stop buying pre-crumbled cheeses (blue, feta, goat, ect). Reasons being, they’re flavorless, coated in preservatives and anti-caking agents, and usually more expensive per ounce when compared to the good stuff. I also feel this way about pre shredded cheese, but we don’t need to get into that right now.
Second order of business, DITCH THE MAYO. I have a love hate relationship with mayonnaise. I love it on a sandwich, I love it in my chicken salad, but I draw the line when it comes to salad dressing. A salad dressing should be bright, tart, and in this case also creamy. Which is why I swear by greek yogurt. It took me a while to accept that yogurt could have a place in savory cooking, but once I made the switch I’ve never looked back.
Now that we’ve addressed a few of my qualms dressing wise, we can move on to the rest of the salad.
So simple and delicious! The dressing is so easy to make and the perfect balance between blue cheese and lemon. If you’re looking for a side salad or even a full meal – I definitely recommend.